Thursday, February 8, 2018

Peewee B1 Final: Wayzata Gold 4 at Lakeville South 2

Trey Albertini decided to go to Lakeville and make the opposing team sad by stopping all but 2 shots.

Wayzata came out strong,  scoring the first 4 goals.   Jordan Vanvalkenburg and Adam Christopherson scored in the 1st.  The Christopherson goal was assisted by Jacob Leisen.

Tyler Lyke decided to round the scoring out in the second.  His 1st goal was assisted by Adam Christopherson and his 2nd goal was assisted by Jordan Vanvalkenburg. 

There was no KFC/Ice Cream/Chocolate bars being served in penalty box in Lakeville. Joel Mogeni found out the hard way.  He had to spent 2 minutes with no treats.  After the players saw this they realized there was no benefit to go to the penalty box.  There was no other penalties for the game.

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