Saturday, February 10, 2018

Peewee A Final: Wayzata 10 - Hopkins 0

Gage Alst00d with the shut 0ut.   Coach Koskie challenged Gage Alstead for accomplishment of the day by winning 1st and 3rd in the Chuck-a-Puck contest at the Providence high school game tonight!
Since there are so many goals I will just list them.

1- Jibber Kuhl from Caleb Koskie
2-Riley Leatherman from Ben Martin and Gus Anderson
3-Caleb Koskie
4-Gus Anderson
5- Micheal Reem from Brittan Alstead
6- Caleb Koskie from Brittan Alstead
7- Nathan Miller from Gus Anderson and Jibber Kuhl
8- Micheal Reem from Jibber Kuhl
9- Ben Martin from Nathan Miller
10- Jibber Kuhl

Jack Anderson kept telling the Hopkins players that there was free chocolate bars that they had to find in the penalty box and they fell for it 7 times. A Hopkins coach got so frustrated in the 1st period he got a bench penalty to send a player into the box to find the candy bars.... No Available.  In the 2nd period he couldn't handle it anymore and got kicked out of the game so he could go buy chocolate bars.

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